Saurabh Dash


I'm a Member of Technical Staff at Cohere, where I work on improving the efficiency of very Large Language Models.
I also collaborate with Sara Hooker and others at Cohere For AI on Fundamental AI Research.

Before this, I was a PhD student at Georgia Tech (GT), advised by Dr. Saibal Mukhopadhyay.

My research interests lie broadly in building intelligent systems that are computationally efficient.

In the Summer of 2021, I was a Machine Learning research intern in the MIND team at Apple, supervised by Dr. Hema Koppula.

I was awarded the ECE fellowship at Georgia Tech during my admission into the PhD program. During my undergraduate studies at IIT Kharagpur, I received the Order of Merit for distinguished performance in the field of technology. My undergraduate thesis was also nominated for the Best Thesis Award.

Apart from my academics and personal research projects, I have helped inculcate a thriving research culture at IIT Kharagpur and share my passion for technology through the Kharagpur RoboSoccer Students’ Group – a diverse mix of freshman to senior undergraduate students from various departments working together to build robots that play soccer autonomously. As the head of the group, I was fortunate to lead the first ever Indian contingent to qualify for RoboCup SSL to Japan.

I have served as a reviewer for various machine learning conferences: NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, TMLR, CVPR, ICCV...

Reach me at: hello.saurabhdash[at]


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Last updated in December 2024.

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